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[oralce] 프로젝트 운영시 쓰는 SQL 기본운영사항

by 평범한kiki 2023. 4. 17.

**SQL 기본운영사항***

--테이블명 조회
select A.table_name, B.comments
 from all_tables A, all_tab_comments B
where A.table_name = '테이블명'
  and A.table_name = B.table_name
order by A.table_name
select *
 from all_tab_comments
where 1=1
  and table_type = 'TABLE'
  and comments like '%사원%'
order by owner, table_name

--컬럼명 테이블 찾기
  from all_tab_columns atc, all_tab_comments atcm
where atc.column_name = '컬럼명'
  and atc.owner = atcm.owner 
  and atc.table_name = atcm.table_name
--and atcm.table_type = 'TABLE'
order by atc.owner, atc.table_name

--프로시져 text 검색
select *
 from user_source
where 1=1
  and type = 'PROCEDURE'
  and text LIKE '%찾을text%'
order by name, line
select *
 from all_source
where 1=1
  and type = 'PROCEDURE' 
  and text LIKE '%찾을text%'